It is no surprise that the world of nanoscale science and engineering (NSE) is expanding at a very fast rate given the efforts being made to improve human health, clean up the environment, and provide security, among other initiatives. Challenges also arise in understanding and appreciating how the intended and unintended consequences of such NSE research affect the broader society.

As a result of this deep appreciation for both NSE research and its societal implications, Jeff will be a part of a unique, collaborative experience that integrates engineering with the social sciences and humanities. Mr. Moran is the 2011 Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU (CNS) “CNS-FSE Fellow.”

The purpose of this program is to train students to work in cross-functional teams toward real-world outcomes. CNS-FSE Fellows develop unique research and participate in CNS-sponsored curricular and co-curricular activities, including outreach, special courses, seminars, science cafes, and other opportunities.

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