Archival Journal Publications
- Ayokunle O. Olanrewaju, Benjamin P. Sullivan, Jane Y. Zhang, Andrew T. Bender, Derin Sevenler, Tiffany J. Lo, Marta Fernandez-Suarez, Paul K. Drain, and Jonathan D. Posner, (2020) An enzymatic assay for rapid measurement of antiretroviral drug levels. ACS Sensors. In Press. | pdf
- Gaurav Mahamuni, Jay Rutherford, Justin Davis, Eric Molnar, Jonathan D. Posner, Edmund Seto, Gregory V. Korshin, Igor V. Novosselov (2019) Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy for Analysis of Chemical Composition of Combustion Generated Particulate Matter. Environmental Science and Technology, 54, 19.
- Andrew T Bender, Benjamin P Sullivan, Lorraine Lillis, and Jonathan D Posner. (2020) Enzymatic and chemical-based methods to inactivate endogenous blood ribonucleases for nucleic acid diagnostics. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 22, 8, p. 1030-1040.
- Jay W. Rutherford, Neal Dawson-Elli, Anne M. Manicone, Gregory V. Korshin, Igor V. Novosselov, Edmund Setod, Jonathan D. Posner, (2020) Excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy for combustion generated particulate matter source identification, Atmospheric Environment, 220 (117065). | pdf
- Jeff Moran and Jonathan Posner. (2019) Microswimmers with no moving parts. Physics today, 72, 5, 44-52.
- Paul K. Drain, Jienchi Dorward, Andrew Bender, Lorraine Lillis, Francesco Marinucci, Jilian Sacks, Anna Bershteyn, David S. Boyle, Jonathan D. Posner, and Nigel Garrett. (2019) Point-of-care HIV viral load testing: An essential tool for a sustainable global HIV/AIDS response. Clinical microbiology reviews 32, 3.
- Anamol Pundle, Benjamin Sullivan, Paul Means, Jonathan D. Posner, John C. Kramlich, (2019) Predicting and analyzing the performance of biomass-burning natural draft rocket cookstoves using computational fluid dynamics, Biomass and Bioenergy, 131, 105402. | pdf
- A.T. Bender, M.D. Borysiak, A.M. Levenson, L. Lillis, D.S. Boyle, J.D. Posner. 2018. “Semi-quantitative nucleic acid test with simultaneous isotachophoretic extraction and amplification.” Analytical Chemistry 90 (12), pp 7221–7229. doi | pdf
- J. Yin, P. Aspinall, V.J. Santos, J.D. Posner. 2018. “Measuring Dynamic Shear Force and Vibration With a Bioinspired Tactile Sensor Skin.” IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (9), 3544-3553. doi
- J. Yin, V.J. Santos, J.D. Posner. 2017. “Bioinspired flexible microfluidic shear force sensor skin.” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 264, 289-297. doi
- B. Sullivan, G. Allawatt, A. Emery, P. Means, J. Kramlich, J.D. Posner. 2017. “Time-Resolved Particulate Emissions Monitoring of Cookstove Biomass Combustion Using a Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance.” Combustion Science and Technology 189 (6), 923-936. doi
- J.L. Moran, J.D. Posner. “Phoretic self-propulsion.” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 49, 511-540. doi
- M. Cartwright, S. Schmuck, C. Corredor, B. Wang, D. Scoville, T. Bammler, J.D. Posner, S. Mitra, T. J. Kavanagh. 2016. “The pulmonary inflammatory response to multiwalled carbon nanotubes is influenced by gender and glutathione synthesis.” doi
- L. Gilbertson, Z. Fishman, F. Perreault, C. Corredor, J.D. Posner, M. Elimelech, L. Pfefferle, and J. Zimmerman. 2016. Shape-Dependent Surface Reactivity and Antimicrobial Activity of Nano-Cupric Oxide, Environmental Science and Technology. doi
- M. D. Borysiak, M. J. Thompson, J. D. Posner. 2016. Translating Diagnostic Assays from the Laboratory to the Clinic: Analytical and Clinical Metrics for Device Development and Evaluation . doi
- Neal, Adam S., Austin M. Rountree, Jared R. Radtke, Jianzhu Yin, Michael W. Schwartz, Christiane S. Hampe, Jonathan D. Posner, Vincenzo Cirulli, and Ian R. Sweet. “A method for high-throughput functional imaging of single cells within heterogeneous cell preparations.” Scientific Reports 6 (2016): 39319. doi
- D.Speed, P. Westerhoff, R. Sierra, R. Draper, P. Pantano, C.Corredor, J.D. Posner. 2015. Physical, Chemical, and In Vitro Toxicological Characterization of Nanoparticles in Chemical Mechanical Planarization Suspensions Used in the Semiconductor Industry: Towards Environmental Health and Safety Assessments, Environmental Science: Nano. doi
- C.Corredor, M. Borysiak, J. Wolfer, P. Westerhoff, and J.D. Posner. 2015. Colorimetric Detection of Catalytic Reactivity of Nanoparticles in Complex Matrices, Environmental Science and Technology. doi
- M.Borysiak, K.Kimura and J.D. Posner. 2015. NAIL: Nucleic Acid detection using Isotachophoresis and Loop-mediated isothermal amplification, Lab on a Chip. doi
- B.Y.Moghadam, K.T. Connelly, and J.D. Posner. 2014. Isotachophoretic Preconconetration on Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices, Analytical Chemistry. doi.
- J.L.Moran and J.D.Posner. 2014. Role of solution conductivity in reaction induced charge auto-electrophoresis, Physics of Fluids. doi.
- B.Y.Moghadam, K.T. Connelly, and J.D. Posner. 2014. Two orders of magnitude improvement in detection limit of lateral flow assays using isotachophoresis, Analytical Chemistry. doi.
- M.D. Borsyiak, E. Yuferova, J.D. Posner. 2013. Simple, low-cost SEBS microdevices for electrokinetic applications, Analytical Chemistry. doi.
- J.D. Posner, N.A. Marine. 2013. Reply to a Comment on “Partition Coefficient Measurements in Picoliter Drops Using a Segmented Flow Microfluidic Device,“ Analytical Chemistry 85, 21 10623-10624. doi
- N.A. Marine, P.M. Wheat, Jesse Ault, J.D. Posner. 2013. Diffusive Behaviors of Circle Swimming Motors, Physical Review E 87, 052305. doi
- M.D. Borysiak, K.S. Bielawski, N.J. Sniadecki, C.F. Jenkel, B.D. Vogt, and J.D. Posner. 2013. Simple Replica Micromolding of Biocompatible Styrenic Elastomers, in press Lab-on-a-Chip. doi
- C. Corredor, W-C Hou, S.A. Klein, B.Y. Moghadam, M. Goryll, P. Westerhoff, J.D. Posner. 2013. Disruption of Model Cell Membranes Induced by Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon, 2013, 60, 67. doi
- A. Negoda, Y. Liu, W-C. Hou, C. Corredor, B.Y. Moghadam, C. Musolff, L. LI, W. Walker, P. Westerhoff, A.J. Mason, P. Duxbury, J.D. Posner, R.M. Worden. 2013. Engineered Nanomaterial Interactions with Bilayer Lipid Membranes: Screening Platforms to Assess Nanoparticle Toxicity, Int. J. of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. doi
- W-C. Hou, P. Westerhoff, and J.D. Posner. 2013. Biological accumulation of engineered nanomaterials: a review of current knowledge, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2013, 15, 103. doi
- J.S. Raben, S.A. Klein, J.D. Posner, and P.P. Vlachos. 2013. Improved accuracy of time-resolved micro-Particle Image Velocimetry using phase-correlation and confocal microscopy, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 14, 431-444. doi
- J.D. Posner, C.L. Perez, J.G. Santiago.2012. Electric forces yield periodicity, aperiodicity, and chaos in microflows, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, 109, 36, 14353-14356. doi
- S.J. Kim, S.H. Ko, R. Kwak, J.D. Posner, K.H. Kang, J. Han. 2012. Multi-Vortical Flow Inducing Electrokinetic Instability in Ion Concentration Polarization Layer, Nanoscale, 4, 7406-7410. doi
- B.Y. Moghadam, W-C Hou, C. Corredor, P. Westerhoff, and J.D. Posner. 2012. Role of Nanoparticle Surface Functionality in the Disruption of Model Cell Membranes, Langmuir, 28, 47, 16318–16326. doi
- S.A. Klein, J.L. Moran, D.H. Frakes, and J.D. Posner. 2012. Three dimensional three component particle velocimetry for microscale flows using volumetric scanning, Measurement Science and Technology, 23, 085304. doi
- R.D.P Wong, J.D. Posner, V. Santos. 2012. Flexible Microfluidic Normal Force Sensor Skin for Tactile Feedback, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 179, 62-69. doi
- W-C. Hou, B.Y. Moghadam, C. Corredor, P. Westerhoff, J.D. Posner. 2012 Distribution of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles between Water and Lipid Bilayers as Model Cell Membranes. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(3), 1869–1876. doi
- W-C. Hou, B.Y. Moghadam, P.K. Westerhoff, and J.D. Posner. 2011. Distribution of Fullerene Nanomaterials between Water and Model Biological Membranes. Langmuir, 27(19), 11899–11905. doi
- J.E. Tibaquira, K.D. Hristovski, P.K. Westerhoff, & J.D. POSNER. 2011. Water quality and yield from polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 26, 13022-13031. doi
- J.L. MORAN and J.D. POSNER. 2011. Electrokinetic Locomotion by Reaction Induced Charge Auto-Electrophoresis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 680, 31-66. doi
- M. SCHROEDER, K. SALLOUM, and J.D. POSNER. 2011. Radial flow Electroosmotic Pump. Sensors and Actuators A, 169, 250-255. doi
- K. HRISTOVSKI, P. WESTERHOFF, & J.D. POSNER. 2011. Octanol-Water Partitioning of Engineered Nanomaterials, J. Environmental Science and Health. 46(6), 636-647. doi
- K. SALLOUM & J.D. POSNER. 2011. A Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cell Stack, Journal of Power Sources, 196(3), 1229–1234. doi
- J.E. TIBAQUIRA, K.D. HRISTOVSKI, P.K. WESTERHOFF, & J.D. POSNER. 2011. Recovery And Quality Of Water Produced By Commercial Fuel Cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(6), 4022-4028. doi
- J.L. MORAN, P.M. WHEAT, and J.D. POSNER. 2010. Locomotion of Electrocatalytic Nanomotors due to Reaction Induced Charge Auto-Electrophoresis. Physical Review E, 065302(R). arxiv:1001.5462v2. arxiv
- P.M. WHEAT, N.A. MARINE, J.L. MORAN & J.D. POSNER. 2010. Rapid Fabrication of Bimetallic Spherical Motors. Langmuir, 26(16) 13052–13055, doi.
- S.A. KLEIN & J.D. POSNER. 2010. Improvement in two-frame correlations by confocal microscopy for temporally resolved micro particle imaging velocimetry. Measurement Science & Technology , 21(10) 105409, doi.
- C.L. PEREZ & J.D. POSNER. 2010. Electrokinetic Vortices and Traveling Waves in Nondilute Colloidal Dispersions. Langmuir, 26(12), 9261–9268, doi.
- T. BENN, B. CAVANAGH, K. HRISTOVSKI, J.D. POSNER, P. WESTERHOFF. 2010. The Release of (Nano)Silver from Consumer Products Used in the Home. J. of Environmental Quality, 39, 1–8.
- K. SALLOUM & J.D. POSNER. 2010. Counter Flow Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cell. Journal of Power Sources, 195, 6941-6944, doi.
- C.L. PEREZ & J.D. POSNER. 2009. Tornadoes in a Microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 21, doi.
- P. CALVO-MARZAL, K.M. MANESH, D. KAGAN, S. BALASUBRAMANIAN, M. CARDONA, G-U FLECHSIG, J.D. POSNER, JOSEPH WANG. 2009. Electrochemically-Triggered Motion Of Catalytic Nanomotors, Chemical Communications, 4509-4511, doi.
- JAMESON M. WETMORE & J.D. POSNER. 2009. Should Corporations Contribute to Nano- Regulations? Nano Today, 4, 217-219 doi.
- J.D. POSNER. 2009. Engineered Nanomaterials: Where They Go, Nobody Knows. Nano Today, 4, 114-115.doi.
- JUNG-YEUL JUNG P. JOSHI, PETROSSIAN, T.J. THORNTON, & J.D. POSNER. 2009. Current Rectification in a Cylindrical Nanopore due to Asymmetric Concentration Polarization. Analytical Chemistry, Anal. Chem., 81, 3128–3133 doi.
- K.D. HRISTOVSKI, B.DHANASEKARAN, J.E. TIBAQUIRA, J.D. POSNER, & P.K. WESTERHOFF. 2009. Producing Drinking Water from Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Aqua, 58, 327–335.
- N.A. MARINE, S.A. KLEIN, and J.D. POSNER 2008. Partioning Coefficient Measurement in Picoliter Drops using Segmented Flow Microfluidic Device. Analytical Chemistry, 81, 1471-1476. doi.
- P.M. WHEAT and J.D. POSNER. 2008. Quantifying Mixing using Equilibrium Reactions, Physics of Fluids, 21 037101-1–12. doi.
- J. BURDICK, R. LAOCHAROENSUK, P.M. WHEAT, J.D. POSNER, and J. WANG. 2008. Synthetic Nanomotors in Microchannel Networks: Directional Microchip Motion and Controlled Manipulation of Cargo, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (26), 8164–8165. doi.
- G. NAVANEETHAM and J.D. POSNER. 2008. Electrokinetic Instabilities of Non-Dilute Colloidal Suspensions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 619, 331–365.doi.
- J.L. MORAN, P.M. WHEAT, and J.D. POSNER. 2008. Nanoscale Patterning in Sintered Silica Colloidal Crystal Films Using a Focused Ion Beam, Langmuir, 24, 10532-10536. doi.
- A.R. MINERICK, V.M. UGAZ, S. MURTHY., AND J.D. POSNER. 2008. Review of Electrophoresis and BioMEMS in 2007: American Electrophoresis Society 24th Annual Meeting, Journal of Capillary Electrophoresis, 10(5-6):101-9.
- J.D. POSNER. 2008. Properties and electrokinetic behavior of non-dilute colloidal suspensions, Invited paper in special issue Advances in Microfluidics in Mechanics Research Communications, 36, 22–32.doi.
- S.A. KLEIN, S.J. WILK, T.J. THORNTON, J.D. POSNER. 2008. Formation of Nanopores in Suspended Lipid Bilayers using Quantum Dots, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 109, 012022 . Full paper
- K.S. SALLOUM, J.R. HAYES, C.A. FRIESEN, J.D. POSNER. 2008. Sequential Flow Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel with Porous Electrodes, Journal ofPower Sources, 180 243-252. doi.
- H. JIANG, L.Y. JIANG, J.D. POSNER, B.D. VOGT. 2008. Atomistic-based Continuum Constitutive Relation for Microtubules: Elastic Modulus Prediction, Computational Mechanics, 42, 607-618. doi.
- A. JAIN, J.D. POSNER. 2007. Particle Dispersion and Separation Resolution of Pinched Flow Fractionation, Analytical Chemistry, 80, 1641-1648. doi.
- D. KIM, J.D. POSNER, and JG. SANTIAGO. 2007. High Flow Rate per Power Electroosmotic Pumping using Low Ion Density Solvents, Sensors and Actuators A, 141, 201-212. doi.
- C-W. LIN, S. YAO, J.D. POSNER, A.M. MYERS, AND JG. SANTIAGO. 2007. Toward Orientation Independent Design for Gas Recombination in Closed-Loop Electroosmotic Pumps, Sensors and Actuators B, 128, 334-339. doi
L. PETROSSIAN, S.J. WILK, P. JOSHI, S. HIHATH, J.D. POSNER, S.M. GOODNICK and T.J. THORNTON. 2007. High Aspect Ratio Cylindrical Nanopores in Silicon-On-Insulator Substrates, Solid State Electronics, Solid-State Electronics, 51, 1391-1397.doi
A. PERSAT, T. ZANGLE, J.D. POSNER and J.G. SANTIAGO. 2007. Chips & Tips: On-chip Electrophoresis Devices: Do’s, Don’ts and Dooms, Lab on a Chip. (link). - T. FABIAN, J.D. POSNER, R. O’HAYRE, S-W. CHA, J.K. EATON, F.B. PRINZ, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2006. The Role of Ambient Conditions on the Performance of Planar, Air-Breathing Hydrogen PEM Fuel Cell, Journal of Power Sources, V161, 168-182. doi.
- C.R. BUIE, J.D. POSNER, T. FABIAN, S-W. CHA, D. KIM, F.B. PRINZ, J.K. EATON, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2006. Water Management in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells using Integrated Electroosmotic Pumping, Journal of Power Sources, V161, 191-202. doi.
- S. YAO, A.M. MYERS, J.D. POSNER, K.A. ROSE, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2006. Electroosmotic Pumps Fabricated from Porous Silicon Membranes, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, V15, No. 3. doi.
- J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2006. Convective instability of electrokinetic flows in a cross-shaped microchannel, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, V555, pp. 1-42.doi.
- J.D. POSNER, D. DUNN-RANKIN, M.S. BROWN, N. BROCK, AND P. DEBARBER. 2004. Resonant Holographic Interferometry for Species Concentration Measurements with Saturated Anomalous Dispersion, Journal of Applied Physics B, V78(N6). doi.
- J.D. POSNER AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2003. Cover Article: Temperature Field Measurements of Small, Nonpremixed Flames using Abel Inversion of Holographic Interferometry, Applied Optics LP, V42(N6). doi.
- J.D. POSNER, C.R. BUCHANAN, AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2003. Measurement and Prediction of Indoor Air Flows in a Model Room, Energy and Buildings, V35(N5). doi data-cache.
- M.J. PAPAC, J.D. POSNER, AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2003. Crossed Two-Beam Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy in Dispersive Media, Applied Spectroscopy, V57(1). doi.
- B.A. STRAYER, J.D. POSNER, D. DUNN-RANKIN, AND F.J. WEINBERG. 2002. Simulating Microgravity in Small Diffusion Flames by Electric Fields to Counterbalance Natural Convection, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, V458(N2021). doi.
A full listing of archival journal papers can be obtained in google scholar or by a Web of Science advanced search with
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Conference Papers
- G. ALLAWATT, B. SULLIVAN, A. PUNDLE, J. KRAMLICH, J.D. POSNER. 2016. A Transient State-Space Heat Transfer Model of a Natural Draft Wood Fueled Rocket Stove Used to Guide Stove Design, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2016 Spring Meeting, March 21,22, Seattle, WA.
- A. PUNDLE, B. SULLIVAN, G. ALLAWATT, J.D. POSNER, J. KRAMLICH. 2016. Two Dimensional Axisymmetric CFD Model of a Natural Draft Wood Fueled Rocket Cookstove, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2016 Spring Meeting, March 21,22, Seattle, WA.
- B. SULLIVAN, G. ALLAWATT, J. KRAMLICH, J.D. POSNER. 2016. Time-resolved particulate emissions monitoring of cookstove biomass combustion using a tapered element oscillating microbalance, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2016 Spring Meeting, March 21,22, Seattle, WA.
- M.D. BORYSIAK, A.T. BENDER, D.S. BOYLE, AND J.D. POSNER. 2016. Point-of-care HIV-1 diagnostic with integrated nucleic acid extraction and amplification from whole blood, IEEE-NIH 2016 Special Topics Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies, Cancun, Mexico, November 9–11.
- M.D. BORYSIAK, A.T. BENDER, D.S. BOYLE, AND J.D. POSNER., 2016. Point-Of-Care HIV-1 Diagnostic: 15-Minute Nucleic Acid Extraction And Amplification From Whole Blood Using Electrokinetic Paper Substrates, microTAS Conference, Dublin, Ireland, Oct. 9–13.
- K.J. KERR, B.Y. MOGHADAM, A.M. LEVENSON, M.J. THOMPSON, J.D. POSNER. 2015. 100-Fold Improvement in Detection Limit of Group-A Strep Lateral Flow Immunoassay using Isotachophoresis, NIH-IEEE 2015 Strategic Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies for Precision Medicine, Bethesda, MD, November 9–10.
- M.D. BORYSIAK, K.W. KIMURA, AND J.D. POSNER. 2014. Point-of-use Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Using Isotachophoresis and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification, microTAS Conference, San Antonio, TX Oct. 26–29.
- B.Y. MOGHADAM, K.T. CONNELLY, J.D. POSNER. 2014. Improving Limit Of Detection of Lateral Flow Immunoassays Using Isotachophoresis, microTAS Conference, San Antonio, TX Oct. 26–29.
- S.A. MERZA, J.D. POSNER, Y.H. ANIS, A.C. YOUNG, R.H. JOHNSON, D.R. MELDRUM. 2009. Microfluidic Device For Transport And Observation of Single Cells, ASME IMECE, Lake Buena Vista, FL Nov. 13-19.
- J.E. TIBAQUIRA, K. HRISTOVSKI, J.D. POSNER, P.K. WESTERHOFF. Generating Potable Water from Fuel Cell Technology. Second Forum on Energy & Water Sustainability. Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.April 10th, 2009.
- K. SALLOUM AND J.D. POSNER. 2009 Membraneless Fuel Cell with Porous Electrocatalysts, Barga, Italy, June 29–July 3, 2009.
- K. HRISTOVSKI, H. BERKOWITZ, P. WESTERHOFF, AND J.D. POSNER. 2009 J. Nanotechnology and Workers’ Safety and Health.. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Conference, Cincinnati, OH, April 30, 2009.
- S.A. KLEIN AND J.D. POSNER. 2008. Towards High Speed, Whole Volume Velocimetry of Unsteady Microscale Flows, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, TX, Nov 23–25.
- C.L. PEREZ AND J.D. POSNER. 2008. Tornadoes in Microchannels, Video Entry—Gallery of Fluid Motion, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, TX, Nov 23–25.
- S.A. KLEIN, T.J. THORNTON, AND J.D. POSNER. 2008. Engineered Nanomaterial Interactions with Suspended Lipid Bilayers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 16–20.
- N.A. MARINE, S.A. KLEIN, AND J.D. POSNER. 2008. Octanol-Water Partitioning Coefficient Measurements in Picoliter Drops Using a Segmented Flow Microfluidic Device, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 16–20.
- K.S. SALLOUM AND J.D. POSNER. 2008. Sequential Flow Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cells with Porous Electrodes, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 16–20.
- J.Y. JUNG, P. JOSHI, T. THORNTON, AND JONATHAN D. POSNER. 2008. Electromigration Current Rectification in a Cylindrical Nanopore, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 16–20.
- JONATHAN D. POSNER AND GURU NAVANEETHUM. 2008. Electrokinetic Particle Aggregation and Flow Instabilities in Non-Dilute Colloidal Suspensions, 82nd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 16–18.
- JONATHAN D. POSNER AND GURU NAVANEETHUM 2008. Electrokinetic Flow Instabilities in Non-Dilute Colloidal Suspensions, 8th International Electrokinetics Conference (ELKIN), Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 18–23.
- JONATHAN D. POSNER AND JUAN G. SANTIAGO 2008. Nonlinear Dynamics of Electrokinetic Instabilities, 8th International Electrokinetics Conference (ELKIN), Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 18–23.
- J.Y. JUNG, P. JOSHI, T. THORNTON, AND JONATHAN D. POSNER 2008. Electromigration Current Rectification in a Cylindrical Nanopore, Poster presentation at 8th International Electrokinetics Conference (ELKIN), Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 18–23.
- J. Y. JUNG, P. JOSHI, T. J. THORNTON, J.D. POSNER 2008. Electromigration Current Rectification In A Cylindrical Nanopore, Poster presentation at the Arizona Institute Nano- Electronics Workshop, Tempe, AZ, April 4.
- S.A. KLEIN, S. J. WILK, T. J. THORNTON, J.D. POSNER 2008. Formation of Nanopores in Suspended Lipid Bilayers using Quantum Dots, Poster presentation at Arizona Institute Nano-Electronics Workshop, Tempe, AZ, April 4.
- S.A. KLEIN , J.D. POSNER. Spinning Disk Confocal microPIV of Unstable Electrokinetic Flows with Non-dilute Colloidal Suspensions . 2007. American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 18-21.
- G. NAVANEETHAM, J.D. POSNER. Electrokinetic Instabilities in Non-dilute Colloidal Suspensions. 2007. American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 18-21.
- G. NAVANEETHAM, J.D. POSNER. Electrokinetic Instabilities in Non-dilute Colloidal Suspensions. 2007. American Electrophoresis Society, Section Annual American Institute Chemical Engineering, Salt Lake City Utah, Nov 4 -9.
- P.M. WHEAT, J.D. POSNER. Quantification Of Convective Electrokinetic Instability Micromixing using Ion Indicating Dyes. 2007. American Electrophoresis Society, Section Annual American Institute Chemical Engineering, Salt Lake City Utah, Nov 4 -9.
- L. PETROSSIAN, S.J. WILK, P. JOSHI, M. GORYLL, J.D. POSNER, S.M. GOODNICK AND T.J. THORNTON. 2007. Ion Conductance of Cylindircal Solid State Nanopores used in Coulter Counting Experiments, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA March 24–28.
- S.A. KLEIN, S.J. WILK, T.J. THORNTON, J.D. POSNER. 2007. Formation of Nanopores in Suspended Llipid Bilayers using Quantum Dots, Journal of Physics Conference Series, International Symposium on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Dec 2-7.
- P.M. WHEAT, J.D. POSNER. Quantification Of Convective Electrokinetic Instability Micromixing using Ion Indicating Dyes. 2006. American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tampa, FL Nov 19-22.
- P.M. WHEAT, J.D. POSNER, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. Quantification Of Convective Electrokinetic Instability Micromixing using Ion Indicating Dyes. 15th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Micromixing Symposium, Boulder CO June 2006.
- S. BRADFORD, C. MEINHART, J.D. POSNER, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2006. Numerical Simulation of Conductivity Gradient-Induced Electrokinetic Flow Instabilities. Meeting of American Physical Society, Patterns and Instabilities II, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17
- J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2005. Nonlinear Dynamics of Electrokinetic Instabilities. Meeting of American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Microfluidics: Mixing, Chicago, IL, Nov 20-22.
- D. KIM, J.D. POSNER, F. PRINZ, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2005. High flow Rate Per Power Pumping of Aqueous Solutions and Organic Solvents with Electroosmotic Pumps. Poster presentation at the 208th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA. October 16-21.
- C.R. BUIE, J.D. POSNER, T. FABIAN, S-W CHA, F.B. PRINZ, J.K. EATON, J.G. SANTIAGO. 2005. Water removal from proton exchange membrane fuel cells via electroosmotic pumping. Presented at the 208th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA. October 16-21.
- S. YAO, A. MEYERS, J.D. POSNER, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2005. Electroosmotic pumps fabricated from porous silicon membranes, Thermal & Fluid Sciences Affiliates and Sponsors Conference, Stanford, CA, February 2-4, 2005.
- C. BUIE, J.D. POSNER, T. FABIAN, J.G. SANTIAGO, J.K. EATON, AND F. PRINZ. 2005. Active water management for proton exchange membrane fuel cells using integrated electroosmotic pumps. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov 5-11. pdf
- J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2005. Nonlinear Dynamics of Electrokinetic Instabilities. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Micro and Nano Fluids Engineering, Orlando, CA, Nov 5-11.pdf
- D. KIM, J.D. POSNER, J.K. EATON, F. PRINZ, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2005. High flow Rate Per Power Pumping of Aqueous Solutions and Organic Solvents with Electroosmotic Pumps. Submitted to Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Micro and Nano Fluids Engineering, Orlando, CA, Nov 5-11.pdf
- C. HORNE, P. MASCAREL, R. BLUME, J. JUR, C. COHEN-JONATHAN, M. CHAPIN, J. D. POSNER, AND W. MCGOVERN. 2005. High-rate deposition of rare-earth doped silicate nanoparticles for porous and dense optical films. Presented at Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA. March 28-31.
J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2004. Convective Instabilities of Electrokinetic Flows in a Cross-Shaped Microchannel. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Micro and Nano Fluids Engineering, Anaheim, CA, Nov 13-19. - J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2004. Convective Instabilities of Electrokinetic Flows in a Cross-Shaped Microchannel. Meeting of American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Microflows, Seattle, WA, Nov 21-23.
- J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2004. Microchannel Electrokinetic Flow Instabilities with Conductivity Gradients. Poster Presentation at Association for Lab Automation LabFusion, Boston, MA, June 12-16.
- H. LIN, C. CHEN, B. STOREY, J.D. POSNER, M. ODDY, S. LELE, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2004. Microchannel Electrokinetic Instabilities with Conductivity Gradients. Presented at TSD Affiliates Conference, Stanford University Stanford, CA, Feb 4-6.
- S. YAO, A. MEYERS, J.D. POSNER, AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2004. High Flow Rate Electroosmotic Pumps fabricated from Porous Silicon Membranes. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Micro and Nano Fluids Engineering, Anaheim, CA, Nov 13-19.
- J.D. POSNER AND J.G. SANTIAGO. 2004. Convective Electrokinetic Flow Instabilities in a Cross-Shaped Microchannel. Eighth International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis Systems (¹TAS) Malmo, Sweden, Sept 26-30.
- M.J. , J.D. POSNER, AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2002. Two-beam X-cars in dispersive media. Presented at Western States Section/The Combustion Institute Paper, Spring Meeting, University of California, San Diego, CA. March 25-26.
- J.D. POSNER AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2001. Temperature field measurements of small, nonpremixed flames using Abel inversion of holographic interferograms. Presented at Joint Meeting of US Sections of the Combustion Institute, Oakland, CA. March 25-28
- B.A. STRAYER, J.D. POSNER, AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2000. CARS temperature measurements of a nonpremixed flame under electric field control. Presented at Western States Section/The combustion Institute Paper 00S-17, Spring Meeting, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO. March 13-14.
- B.A. STRAYER, J.D. POSNER, AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2000. Further studies on simulating microgravity flames using electric fields. Poster Session, 28th International Symposium on Combustion, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, July 30-August 4.
- J.D. POSNER AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 2000. Using resonant holographic interferometry as a quantitative species concentration diagnostic in combustion systems. Poster Session, 28th International Symposium on Combustion, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, July 30-August 4.
- J.D. POSNER, D. DUNN-RANKIN, N. BROCK, M. BROWN, AND P. DEBARBER. 1999. Using resonant holographic interferometry as a multiphase combustion diagnostic. Poster Session, Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Combustion, Barga, Italy, June 20-25.
- B.A. STRAYER, J.D. POSNER, AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 1999. Temperature field measurements of a nonpremixed flame under electric field control. Presented at Western States Section/The combustion Institute Paper 99F-16, Fall Meeting, University of California, Irvine, CA. October 25-26.
- J.D. POSNER AND D. DUNN-RANKIN. 1999. Bragg cell modulated DPIV measurements of indoor air flows in a model room. Poster Session, Second International Particle Image VelocimetryWorkshop, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, September 16-18.
- J.D. POSNER AND M.L. RIETHMULLER. 1999. Translation stereoscopic digital PIV applied to a turbulent jet. Presented at Second International Particle Image Velocimetry Workshop, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, September 16-18.
2007 – 2011
Pre 2006
Intellectual Property
- Systems for Providing Electro-Mechanical Sensors, V.J. Santos, J.D. Posner, R.P. Wong. Original Assignees: The Regents of the University of California US Patent No: 13752286, January 19, 2016.
- System or Device for Biochemical Analysis Having at Least One Electroosmotic Pump, J.D. Posner, K. Salloum, M. Lebl, M. Reed, D. Buermann, M. Hage, B. Crane, D. Heiner, R. Kain, M. Schroeder. Original Assignees: The Arizona Board Of Regents For And On Behalf Of Arizona State University & Illumina, Inc. US Patent No: 8753584B2, June 17, 2014.
- Apparatus for Fragmenting Nucleic Acids J.D. Posner, K. Salloum, M. Lebl, M. Reed, D. Buermann, M. Hage, B. Crane, D. Heiner, R. Kain. Original Assignee: Illumina Corportation. US Patent No: 20120292190, November 11, 2012. Licensed to Illumina Corporation.
- An anode and a cathode at different electrical potentials, each sealed in an ion-exchange membrane of polytetrafluoroethylene, immersed in an electrolyte contained in a reservoir of an electroosmotic pump; collecting H2, O2 gases produced by electrolytic decomposition within a space defined by membrane. Jonathan Posner, Kamil Salloum, Michal Lebl, Mark Reed, Dale Buermann, Matthew Hage, Bryan Crane, David Heiner, Bob Kain. Original Assignee: Illumina Corporation. US Patent No: 8252250, August 28, 2012. Licensed to Illumina Corporation.
- An Orientation Independent Electroosmotic Pump, Alan M. Myers , Juan G. Santiago, Shuhuai Yao, and Jonathan D. Posner. Assignee: Intel Corporation. US Patent No: 7645368, January 12, 2010.
- Fuel Cell with Electroosmotic Pump, J.G. Santiago, J. D. Posner, F. B. Prinz, T. Fabian, J. K. Eaton, S.W. Cha, C. uie, D. Kim, H. Tsuru, and J. Sasahara. US Patent Application No. 20060029851, Published on February 9, 2006 (also in Japan, Canada, and EU 05777148.7-1227 / 1779456).
- Enhancement of Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Diagnostics Using Isotachophoresis Jonathan D. Posner, Mark D. Borysiak, Kevin Wayne Kimura. PCT Application US16/27579, filed 4/14/2016 UW ROI: 47268.
- Protective Helmets Including Non-Linearly Deforming Elements. Jonathan D. Posner, John T. Dardis II, Paul Leonard, Per G. Reinhall. PCT Application PCT/US2016/023847 filed on 3/23/2016, UW ROI: 47207. Licensed to VICIS.
- Isotachophoretic Devices and Methods Jonathan Posner, Babak Moghadam, Kelly Connelly. PCT Application PCT/US2015/026035 filed on 4/15/2015, UW ROI: 469872.
- Protective Helmets With Non-Linearly Deforming Elements. Samuel R. Browd, Jonathan D. Posner, Per G. Reinhall. PCT Application US2014/064173US filed 11/5/2014 UW ROI: 46562. Licensed to VICIS.
- Styrene-Ethylene/Butylene-Styrene Block Copolymer Devices Jonathan Posner, Mark Borysiak. US Patent Application 14/760,681, 7/13/2015 UW ROI: 46340.
- Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cell. J.D. Posner & K. Salloum, Provisional US Patent Application, PCT/US2010/020902, AzTE M8-037P. Licensed to Fluidic Energy.
- Counter Flow Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cell. J.D. Posner & K. Salloum. Original Assignee: Arizona Board of Regents for and on behalf of Arizona State University. Application number: 12/609,614 Publication number: US 2010/0112391 A1. AzTE M8-038P. Previously Licensed to Fluidic Energy.
- Multipass Separated Flow Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cell. K. Salloum and J.D. Posner, US Patent Application, 2009 formery AzTe M9-089P.
- An Orientation Independent Electroosmotic Pump, Alan M. Myers, Juan G. Santiago, Shuhuai Yao, and Jonathan D. Posner. US Patent Application, 2004.
- Controlling Electrolytically Generated Gas Bubbles In In-Plane Electroosmotic Pumps, Alan M. Myers, Juan G. Santiago, Shuhuai Yao, and Jonathan D. Posner. US Patent Application, 2005.
- Nanoscale Transport and Delivery System. J. Wang, H. Yan, J.D. Posner, J. Burdick, R. Laocharoensul, Provisional US Patent Application 2008 formerly AzTE M8-066P.